Rolf Neth    Hämatol. Bluttransf. Vol. 26

Wir fühlen, daß selbst, wenn alle möglichen wissenschaftlichen Fragen beantwortet sind, unsere Lebensprobleme noch garnicht beruhrt sind

Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractus logico-philosophicus ( 1921 ), Annalen der Naturphilosophie

In June 1982, physicans and scientists met in Wilsede for the fifth time to discuss origin and treatment of leukemia, Lectures and discussions of the meeting closely demonstrated that leukemia can be considered a perfect model for the studies of biology and treatment of cancer in general. The Wilsede meeting has confirmed that cancer is a multifactorial disease in which oncogenes, regulator proteins, the immunsystem, viruses and chemical noxes play important roles. The development of new revolutionary techniques in biological research yielded important insights into the causes of leukemia which are also promising to develop new ways for the treatment of cancer patients. I am indepted to the chairmen organizing a stimulating and exciting program which included all the present and future aspects of human leukemia. I am grateful to all participating scientists, the supporting stuff and the Wilsede people for making this meeting both scientifically excellent as well as humanly warm and unforgettable. Last but not least, it must be emphazised that the "Verein Naturschutzpark Lüneburger Heide" and Dr. h.c. Alfred Toepfer are responsible for saving this peaceful place for us.

Hamburg, February 1982

Coffee break and lectures in " De Emmenhoff ". Middle left, Wellcome of Dr.h.c. Alfred Toepfer Down left, Melvin Greaves starting his Stohlman lecture Down right, Donall Thomas giving his Stohlman lecture

Personal and scientific discussions in Wilsede, June 1982 ( Fotos:Regina Völz, Cetric Parkin )